
Real Estate Transactions. February 2021

House Sales Statistics, February 2021 In February, 81 thousand 222 houses were sold in Turkey In Turkey, house sales decreased by 31.6% in February 2021 compared to the same month of the previous year and hence, became 81 thousand 222. İstanbul had the highest share with 19.6% and 15 thousand 929 house sales. The followers of İstanbul were Ankara with 7 thousand 757 house sales and İzmir with 4 thousand...

Turkey – Real Estate Transactions. January 2021

House Sales Statistics, January 2021 In January 2021, 70 thousand 587 houses were sold in Turkey. In Turkey, house sales decreased by 37.9% in January 2021 compared to the same month of the previous year and hence, became 70 thousand 587. For the house sales of January 2021, İstanbul had the highest share of house sales with 19.4% and 13 thousand 666 sold house. The followers of İstanbul were...

Short – Term Residence Permit For Foreigners

The majority of foreigners with Turkish tourist visas are only permitted to stay for 90 days out of a total of 180 days. This period of time is adequate to make a decision regarding whether to remain in Turkey or not. Foreigners must deliver the required paperwork to the Provincial Directorate of Immigration Administration in order to apply for a short-term residence permit. Short-term residence permits...

All About Istanbul

Istanbul has always been in the middle of commercial, political, touristic, and entertaining activities. As Napoleon Bonaparte said, “If the Earth were a single state, Istanbul would be its capital.” Either you are an explorer who is eager to experience the historical fabric of the cities or a person who is more likely interested in local life and look for an intercultural communication option, you can...

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